Discngine Labs is an exclusive scientific event hosted by Discngine in person in Cambridge UK on March 19th at 4pm GMT (virtual attendance is possible). The event theme is “Setting new standards in SBDD: Experimental and predicted protein structure synergies”. It is designed for everyone in pharma and academia interested in integrating AI protein structure predictions with experimental datasets to enhance structure-guided compound design and optimization processes. The event will be followed by a networking session with food and refreshments.
Confirmed speakers:
Darren Green, PhD
Director at DesignPlus Cheminformatics Consultants Ltd
David Brown, PhD
Senior Director Structural Biology and Biophysics at Vertex Pharmaceuticals
Sarah Witzke, PhD
Senior Applications Scientist at Chemical Computing Group
Ben Davis, PhD
Research Fellow and Director of Business Development at Vernalis
Benoit Baillif, PhD
Research Associate at Astex Pharmaceuticals
Lorena Zara, PhD
Scientific Project Manager at Discngine
The event is free of charge, just make sure to register here: https://www.discngine.com/discngine-labs-live-in-cambridge